Building Yourself Back Up- How Can You Do It?

If you've been struggling with emotions on the inside, it's okay. Building yourself back up takes time, but it's worth it. Happiness doesn't come from money. Happiness doesn't come fame. Happiness comes from having a purpose and making a difference. But, how will you be able to help if your foundation is cracked? Take back your mind, your emotions and make it into a place you truly would want to live!

How Obstacles Can Make You Smile.

Somehow in this society, we've been accustomed to burying our feelings and pain. We feel that no one cares and we are alone. But you are not alone. You are like the many who suffer and shouldn't have too. Know that there are other like you pressing along everyday and know you have millions of people rooting for you every. single. day

We’re all Authors

Everyone is an author. What we become an author of depends very much on us. If we lose sight of the story in our life, we risk going astray. Even the most talented author will get writers-block a few times in their life. It may even seem life our life has writers block and we... Continue Reading →

Fall In Love…With Yourself

Did you are the most beautiful you there is. So this is a letter to all those who may not have fallen in love with themselves just yet. "Hey. I know we talk everyday. We laugh, we sing, we dance, but honestly something has been bothering me recently and I wanted to ask you:... Continue Reading →

Failing…It’s not the end

When you think of failure...where does your mind take you? Maybe it's not measuring up to society's standards? Your parents? Could the failure possibly be your actual life? Failure is your friend We get mad at things we can't control. Calling ourselves "idiots" "stupid" "how could you be so dumb?!" And here is where we... Continue Reading →

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